Birth Affirmations

My baby will be born healthy and at the perfect time


My body contains all the knowledge necessary to give birth to my baby


My baby knows how and when to be born


I deserve to have the birth I desire


Babies are born when they are ready, not when doctors, midwives or anyone decides


My mind and body can handle a labor of any kind


Birth will go exactly as it should.


I am ready and prepared for childbirth.


I see myself handling everything beautifully.


My job is to simply relax and allow the birth to happen.


There will be no complications.


I surrender my birthing over to my baby and my body.


My body knows how to have this baby just as my body knew how to grow this baby.


My body is made to give birth, nice and easy.


I believe my baby’s birth will come quickly and easily.


I will have an uncomplicated, peaceful, joyous and pleasurable birth.


I am not afraid.


I trust in my ability to give birth.


Life only demands from you the strength you possess.

My body knows exactly what it is doing.


I will breathe deeply and slowly to relax my muscles making it easier for my uterus to work.


All I need to do is relax and breathe – nothing else.


Everything is going right


I trust my body to birth my baby.


I feel the strong waves of labour and know that everything is normal and progressing.


Relax my mind and muscles.


My body knows how to have this baby just as my body knew how to grow this baby.


Keep breathing slow and even .Inhale peace, exhale tension.


I have the energy and stamina to birth my baby.


I surrender to the contractions and relinquish control of the forces within my body.


I allow my body’s natural anesthesia to flow through my body.


I do not fight the birth in any way. My body is totally relaxed. I am not afraid.


My job is to simply relax and allow the birth to happen.

~ Each contraction produces a healthy, positive pain that I can handle.


I accept this labour as my labour and believe it is the right one for me and for my baby


The power and intensity of your contractions cannot be stronger than you, because it is you.


Just as a woman’s heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth.


300,000 women will be giving birth with you today.
Relax and breathe and do nothing else.
Labor is hard work and you can do it.


Life only demands from you the strength you possess.


Rain, after all is only rain; it is not bad weather. So also, pain is only pain; unless we resist it, then it becomes torment.


Good strong contractions help my baby come into the world

Soon I will meet you, baby.

Ride the wave [of the contraction].