Winston Wade’s Birth Story

 Lucy Veen

The beginning stages of my labor started in the evening on June 19, (five days past my due date). I was having some mild cramping, and I thought to myself “I should really go to bed and get some sleep.

With my previous labor I got way too excited when the contractions started and stayed awake half the night. I did NOT want to make that mistake again. I tried really hard to ignore the cramping and told myself to just relax and get some rest. It worked. I got a really great night of sleep.

 The next morning Reuben asked me if anything was happening. I told him I had some mild cramping through the night, but that he could definitely go to work. I continued my day like normal, trying my best to just ignore any cramping I was having. I had breakfast with my two year old, Marilla. We fed the chickens, weeded in the garden, and got ready for my midwife appointment that had been set up for that day at noon.

 On my 40 minute drive to the midwife appointment, I noted that I had four contractions in the car. I thought to myself “hmm well these must be coming about every ten minutes.” I really wanted to wait to time anything until I felt it was absolutely necessary. At the appointment, I updated my midwives on what was going on and that I was having some mild contractions. We listened to baby. He sounded great and his head was very low and engaged.

After the appointment we drove home, ate a good lunch, and I attempted to put Rilla down for a nap in hopes that I could also get some extra rest. She refused. Instead I tried to get some last minute cleaning done before baby arrived. I was trying to stay busy and keep my mind off the contractions. After a little while I started lying down on the couch or the floor during contraction so that I could relax and breathe through them. Everytime I had a contraction Rilla would say, “Mama, wake up!” I started to feel like they were coming pretty close together. I decided to time them, and they were coming about every three minutes lasting roughly thirty seconds. I was very surprised to see that they were so close already! I was starting to feel excited.

 I texted Patrice, and told her how close my contractions were getting, but that they were manageable and that I truly felt I had quite a bit of time yet. Patrice knew better though. She thought they better be on their way. I texted my cousin Olivia and told her to be ready to come and get Rilla.

 I had talked to Reuben around four and told him that things were ramping up but he  didn’t need to rush home, he could work the rest of the day. About thirty minutes later I was feeling very differently about that statement. I called Reuben and said, “Hey! You are on your way home right?!” Reuben responded with a quick “YUP!” He was definitely still at work, but thankfully he works ten minutes from home. He told me later that after hearing my voice on the phone he rushed out of there so fast and sped all the way home.

 At this point I was pretty unable to keep up with Rilla. She was running around, helping herself to snacks, or whatever else she wanted to get into. The contractions were keeping me held up in my bedroom most of the time. I was trying to stand up in between to keep the contractions coming. But I wanted to be on my bed as relaxed as possible when the contraction hit. The more relaxed I was, the more manageable the contraction felt. Once Reuben got home I felt much more at ease. He checked on me, asked me if I needed anything and started setting up the birth tub while he kept an eye on Rilla.

 The midwives arrived shortly after. They checked on me to see how I was doing. We talked a little, and then they let me continue to labor peacefully in my room while they got some other things set up and ready.

 Olivia came and picked up Rilla around 6:00. After Rilla was gone I felt like I could truly relax. Before long my contractions really began picking up. Things weren’t feeling quite so peaceful. I was beginning to vocalize a lot more during contractions. I remember thinking that things were getting intense a lot faster than my previous labor. Soon I was no longer talking in between contractions. Reuben was still working on getting the birth pool situated, and I had a moment where I really felt like I needed him by me. Up until then I had labored mostly alone. I had been feeling pretty good and like I could handle the contractions. I was starting to feel like things were getting too intense to get through alone. I called for him, and he came into our room and offered some counter pressure and rubbed my back. I felt safe and comforted having him close by.

 I puked somewhere around 7:00 I think. I knew that was a sign that I was probably hitting transition. I remember really wanting to get in the pool. I was starting to feel pretty miserable and not sure how much longer I could handle the intensity. Contractions were coming on strong and close together. I was also convinced I would have to labor all through the night, and that sounded extremely daunting. Once I was able to get in the pool, I could relax more in between contractions. I also got a slightly longer break before the next contraction started again.

It felt lovely to have a little rest. After laboring in the tub for a while, I started to feel pressure and wanted to push during contractions. I knew these were normal things to experience when the baby is getting closer. Mentally I was in denial. I really didn’t think I could be anywhere near the end, but I also wasn’t sure I would be able to last much longer.

 I remember that I kept asking if I would be done soon and if he was really coming? Melinda asked me if I wanted to be checked or if I wanted to check myself. I was nervous about being checked. I was worried that I would be told that I wasn’t as far along in labor as I I thought I was. (Something I had been told at my previous birth in the hospital) I gave Melinda the ok to check me. She said she could feel baby’s head, and he was about a finger length up. I couldn’t believe it. I honestly didn’t think it could be true until I reached down and felt his head myself. I was so relieved. I felt like I got a new little burst of energy knowing that he truly was coming! I remember when I felt his head I thought, “how in the world is that a whole baby moving down and coming out of me?” It seemed impossible. Proof that our bodies are amazing.

 I was ready when it came time to push. I felt like I was working with my contractions. I felt strong! It was extremely hard work. I started pushing in a sitting/lying back position, but I got a really bad leg cramp. I switched to pushing in a lunge position while leaning over the tub. I remember getting really loud. It was encouraging to feel his head coming down as I pushed. It gave me the strength to make it through another contraction knowing I was getting so close to meeting my baby. I switched back to more of a sitting position when he was born. When he crowned and his head finally came out I had never experienced such intensity in all my life. I remember my midwives telling me to wait for the next contraction to push, and I seriously didn’t think that I could wait. But I did, and then when that last big contraction came I pushed his body out. The biggest wave of relief washed over me. I couldn’t believe that my baby was here. He was perfect and crying and I was so surprised to see that he looked nothing like my first born. I was completely in love. I remember grabbing his warm slippery little body, bringing him to my chest, and being absolutely overjoyed. I was so proud of what I had done to bring him here. I remember thanking God for getting me through it, and for creating such a beautiful and precious life for me to take care of and nurture. What a miracle to bring a life into this world. An experience that I play over and over in my head. The moment of meeting your baby for the very first time is a feeling that can not be replicated. It’s a cherished memory you want to bottle up and carry with you in your heart. Looking back on my birth I feel empowered, cared for, loved, strong, and safe.

 Everything following birth was wonderful. I loved getting to see my placenta. I had never been shown my placenta in the hospital with my first born, so I was curious and excited to see it.

 We got to cozy up in bed with Winston shortly after he was born. He weighed 8lbs 4oz. Winston latched quickly and nursed easily from the start. The first thing I ate after birth was a chocolate chip cookie in bed. Nothing has ever tasted better.