Love Handles

Fat grows fast on my hips
and back, tummy grows heavy
face rounds with moonglow

the sag of underarms swell
as leaves fall and snow follows,
a wise body knows to take up space.

Everything fits a little tighter
even shoes, for I am full of sourdough and soup
which keeps me warm through winter’s freeze

my belly hangs in remembrance
of expansion- how a sunken button
pushed out slowly as a doorknob to life

skin became littered with landscape
snow capped mountain ranges rise
up thighs stretched to hold hot earth inside

forehead and cheeks fold gently
drawing a joyous smile
across a sun freckled face

So every mark and mole, each hair and crease
let them be a landmark
guiding the ship of your hand across my great sea.

In all the places I once felt shame
let me feel your lips instead
put my fat between your teeth

squeeze girlhood’s giggle out of me
witness how the weather plays in my years
and show me how you love this changing body.

By Ella J, published by the Rising Phoenix Review


Ella is a mother and a professional jazz vocalist who enjoys creative expression in all forms. She has a bachelors degree in Integrative Social Sciences from University of North Texas where she studied philosophy and poetry. She lives in West Michigan and has a home born 1 year old.