Full Circle Midwifery Statistics 1984 – 2023

Total planned home births:   1835                                                                             

Total  transports:                                                                                        148      [ 8% ]

                        Mothers transported in labor:                                 104

                              Cesareans                                      56   [ 3% ]

                              Forceps/Vacuum                              9

                        Mothers transported within 24 hours postpartum:       25

                        Babies transported within 24 hours after home birth:   19

Counties:  Benzie  2      Kent 14    Lake  20    Manistee  54    Mason  216    Mecosta  141   Montcalm  15     Muskegon  409  Oceana   269    Ottawa  135   Newaygo  406   Osceola  81   plus 73 births attended in Allegan, Clare, Eaton, Grand Traverse, Gratiot, Ingham, Isabella, Kalamazoo, Midland, Missaukee, Shiawassee, Wayne & Wexford.

Oldest mom     47,         Youngest mom     16

First baby or first vaginal birth:                                                                               390   [ 21 % ]

Grandmultiparas   (more than 7 births):                                                                    164

Twins   (19 sets home born):                                                          24 sets, 23 sets vaginally born

Presentation of baby:

            Vertex    (head down)                                                                             1831

            Breech    (11 home born)                                                                            27

Mom’s position for vaginal birth:  

            Side-lying                                                                                               584

            Semi-sitting                                                                                             574

            Hands and knees                                                                                     329

            Supine   (lying down)                                                                               145

            Upright   (standing, squatting or birth stool)                                       169

Waterbirths:   [around 40% birth in a tub, and most clients labor in the water]                   345

Lacerations with vaginal births: 

            None or superficial only                                                                           1239    [ 70 % ]

            1st degree                                                                                              446

            2nd degree   (into muscle)                                                                          79

            3rd degree      (into rectal sphincter)                                                          3 

                   -stitched                                                                                          176

            Episiotomy and stitches   (9 transports; 1 HB)                                          10

Rupture of membranes > 24 hours   (3  maternal infections):                         109

Males:                                                                                                               982

Females:                                                                                                           857

Average baby’s weight  (range of 3# 12 oz. to 12# 5 oz.):                                       8# 1 oz.

Males circumsized:                                                                                              242   [ 24 % ]   

Births missed by Midwives:                                                                                     81       VBACS   

(vaginal birth after previous csec): [ 88% successful ]                                     167       [20 repeat cesareans]

Screened out for home birth:                                                                                   72